Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Nothing Personal

Whatever life throws at you,

Don’t take it personal.
Take note and Take care of it.

Never be emotional.

All it’s ever going to do is alter your decision making, slow you down.

Eat up unnecessary bandwidth that could be contributing to your momentum.

Take note
Take it serious and
Take care of it!

The without-dent story

There is a very high tendency of you being useless if your story is "stainless" A "stainless" story often indicates a lack of depth and resilience, as it is through the stains and scars of experiences that one truly grows. Your experiences is a well to draw from. Your...

Levels to it

Level 1: Be good at something Level 2: Be good at something important Level 3: Be known to be good at something important. Level 4: Be consistent with being known to be good at something important - Not my thought!

Get into Action

Luck is defined as "success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions." However, you can position yourself to be lucky. You can increase your potential or luck by increasing your luck surface area Types of luck Blind Luck Luck from...


Invest so much in yourself, make your brain your biggest asset. The way to drive up your revenue and earning capacity is by having high valued (paying) skills.


Stop trying to win too fast. Just because you want to show people you won. Calm down! - Pope

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