Internal Crack

Many of us are driven by wounds from our past that we haven’t healed from. Our unresolved past wounds drive us. Most of your decisions are based on trying to prove someone wrong. Trying to prove your parents wrong. Trying to prove that you can be somebody. This...

Something to trust

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them by looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has...

Coming soon

At some point, you will be desperate for a major win just to validate that you are doing the right thing and on the right path. At such moments, don’t forget the small wins matter too and they eventually all add up. Don’t lose your shine! Beans no dey cook...


If we knew the sequence of our life’s timing and seasons, we might lose ambition… Uncertainty isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it keeps the embers of life and professional pursuit aflame :sunglasses. – Dr. Julius Ajayi

The total workings

Here is how it works! You do your part : build skills and portfolio. We do our part : introduce you to opportunities, jobs, people You keep doing your part : improving on technical skills while also maintaining integrity and reputation Expecting the second step...
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