Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!


Declutter: to remove unnecessary items from a place
Take time to Declutter.
Audit your life.
Remove unnecessary people | activities | items | relationships | etc.
Focus on the 20% that’s meant to give you 80% result.
– Pope

Are you sure you are ready?

Access to valuable information or influential individuals will be futile if you do not have the ability to capitalize on the opportunities. You can hang around 5 rich (money and mental wealth) people and still be broke. What you do with the leverage is what makes the...

Sweet pain

When you come in contact with newer information. It will create a conflict with the existing information you know. Instead of facing the conflicts, weighing the two details and choosing the better one, most folks run away and stick to what they are used to. This...

Egolistic perfectionist

The ego of wanting to seem perfect in front of people will hold you back from your greatness. You could fail in an idea, it doesn’t mean you are a failure. Your business can fail, it doesn't make you a failure. Release that ego of looking perfect in front of people,...

Need for distance

Stay away from those who play the victim in problems they created. Focus on spending time with people with whom you share a common future rather than just a common past. Prioritize wisely. Allocate more of your time and energy to those who have contributed to your...

Training ground

Hardship is an avenue to train your stamina. The subtle approach the devil uses is to make you cut down on your ambition and settle for less. Hardship, delayed gratification, discipline builds resilience in us. Builds total dependence on God. Consider it pure joy, my...

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