Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

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Sic Parvis Magna!

The without-dent story

There is a very high tendency of you being useless if your story is “stainless”
A “stainless” story often indicates a lack of depth and resilience, as it is through the stains and scars of experiences that one truly grows.
Your experiences is a well to draw from.
Your life‘s narrative, with all its twists and turns, serves as a valuable well from which you can draw wisdom and understanding.
If you can’t relate, you won’t be able to relate.
Empathy stems from relatability; if you haven’t faced challenges, it becomes challenging to connect with others in their struggles.
Your suffering is not isolated; it holds the potential to inspire and guide those on a similar journey.
Consider your hardships as badges that uniquely qualify you for specific roles and responsibilities.
Embrace failure as your arsenal, for each setback contributes to the momentum propelling you forward.
Your failures are your arsenal.
The higher you go, the bigger the punches.
Let each failure become a stepping stone, adding weight to your resilience and fortitude.
– Pope

Fall the fall

Let everyman fail his failure. For therein lies his lessons. We are a sum of our previous experiences, The best you can do, help them fine-tune and optimize the values in their experiences. We all need a dose of failure! - Pope

Get into Action

Luck is defined as "success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions." However, you can position yourself to be lucky. You can increase your potential or luck by increasing your luck surface area Types of luck Blind Luck Luck from...

One day, just one day

.... and one day, I will get the opportunity to dramatically swipe everything off a table to make room for a giant map that I'll use to explain the plan. - Pope

Wheel of Life!

Plan in modules. Spiritual: Read the Bible through, prayer, fasting, books to read, witnessing, vows, giving Family: spend time with family, children, relationship with family members, holiday Health: rest, recreation, medical check up, exercise, healthy eating...

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