Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Are you sure you are ready?

Access to valuable information or influential individuals will be futile if you do not have the ability to capitalize on the opportunities.
You can hang around 5 rich (money and mental wealth) people and still be broke.
What you do with the leverage is what makes the difference.
Be prepared for a future where you will be relevant.
– Pope

Quick thing

Money Intelligence and Insight Location and Luck Education and Expertise Status Money is the capital you have, or that you can easily raise. Intelligence and Insight includes ‘book smarts’, social and emotional intelligence, as well as creativity. Location and Luck is...

The Balance Wheel

1.⁠ ⁠Are you sleeping well? 2.⁠ ⁠Are you moving? 3.⁠ ⁠Are you eating healthy? 4.⁠ ⁠Do you have healthy relationships? 5.⁠ ⁠Do you enjoy what you do? 6.⁠ ⁠Are you financially stable? 7.⁠ ⁠Do you feel intellectually stimulated? 8.⁠ ⁠Do you laugh and have fun? 9.⁠ ⁠Are...

The Ultimate Factor

God is the guiding force in your journey. You're essentially a passenger on His boat. Then a random person claims you're running behind schedule, and you lose your peace and get fixated on their words. Ask yourself, Does God ever run late? - Pope

Self Destruct

I have seen all kinds of smart people self destruct. They stray outside their circle of competence just and because the are very smart. Being smart does not mean you know everything. Defining what your game is and where you are going to have an edge is enormously...

Training ground

Hardship is an avenue to train your stamina. The subtle approach the devil uses is to make you cut down on your ambition and settle for less. Hardship, delayed gratification, discipline builds resilience in us. Builds total dependence on God. Consider it pure joy, my...

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