Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Fall the fall

Let everyman fail his failure.
For therein lies his lessons.
We are a sum of our previous experiences,
The best you can do, help them fine-tune and optimize the values in their experiences.
We all need a dose of failure!
– Pope

Got your answer sheet?

Two important life questions! Have you found the opportunity that's gonna take care of you and your family for the rest of your life? Are you spending some time every week looking for that opportunity? If your answer to the two questions is NO, how would you explain...

Are you up to it?

The courage to create. The audacity to forge new paths. The tenacity to embrace trial and error. Youth is wasted on the young. Wisdom is wasted on the old. The life you want in on the other side of a few hard conversations. And you are living a life you hate because...

What you get

Making delusional plans will get you delusional results. It doesn't matter how optimistic you are about it. The gist is, you'll be the bearer of the consequences. - Pope

Check Box

This year, invest where you'd like to harvest. Sow seeds in areas you wish to reap rewards. •⁠ ⁠Spiritual •⁠ ⁠Relationship •⁠ ⁠Family •⁠ ⁠Career •⁠ ⁠Finance •⁠ ⁠Health •⁠ ⁠Academic •⁠ ⁠Business Remember the rhythm of seed time and harvest time. Your efforts will yield...

Are you sure you are ready?

Access to valuable information or influential individuals will be futile if you do not have the ability to capitalize on the opportunities. You can hang around 5 rich (money and mental wealth) people and still be broke. What you do with the leverage is what makes the...

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