My Brief

I’m focused on the essentials…. to the exclusion of all else. I’m unsure of the future… but I’m not concerned. I will rely on those closest to me And I will share their burdens. as they share mine. I will live….. and love...

Ready to Pay

Everything has a Price. The great struggle in life is coming to grips with what that price is. -Pope

Rugged Study

“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.” – Richard Feynmann

Say No

As many times as possible! As consistently as possible! As often as the need arises! -Pope

Stay put! I’m not Fighting You

I just beat me! I’m in a battle with the only person that I really f**king beat. And that’s me! Wanna If I can continue to outdo me from the day before, Then, I’m AHEAD! -Pope
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