Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Grow, evolve

At a fundamental level, we are influenced by our primal instincts.
As we progress in our evolution, we develop the capacity to filter and guide these instincts.
When someone upsets you, your initial reaction is often an emotional one.
It requires emotional maturity to move past these innate reactions and prioritize logical responses in challenging situations.
Emotional maturity allows us to step back, consider logic, and respond thoughtfully rather than reacting impulsively. It’s a key aspect of personal growth and self-control.
– Pope

Egolistic perfectionist

The ego of wanting to seem perfect in front of people will hold you back from your greatness. You could fail in an idea, it doesn’t mean you are a failure. Your business can fail, it doesn't make you a failure. Release that ego of looking perfect in front of people,...

Time as a currency

If everyone has the same number of hours in a day, why do some people seem to get so much more done than others? How do they do more, achieve more, earn more, have more? If time is the currency of achievement, then why are some able to cash in their allotment for more...

Life’s timestamp

Life comes with inflection points, junctures in which we know our world is about to change. Events that timestamp life. Crossroads that demand a decision. Go this way? Or that? Everyone has them. You do. I do. Jacob did. Jacob’s came with a name: Jabbok. It is the...

What drives me is:

A life of no regrets.To look back on life and see that I spent it well.Did every single thing that I wanted to do.Experimented a lot.Failed a lot.But made the most of life.-Pope

Who are you coming with?

In the dance of life, choose your partners well, Be smart who you pick, Be discerning, Choose your company, let wisdom steer. Choose wisely, where you stand. Pick your buddies, keep your light. Don't wander where fools parade. With smart folks, your journey's sound,...

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