Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

My Brief

I’m focused on the essentials….
to the exclusion of all else.
I’m unsure of the future…
but I’m not concerned.
I will rely on those closest to me
And I will share their burdens.
as they share mine.
I will live….. and love

Coming soon

At some point, you will be desperate for a major win just to validate that you are doing the right thing and on the right path. At such moments, don't forget the small wins matter too and they eventually all add up. Don't lose your shine! Beans no dey cook forever, e...

Get into Action

Luck is defined as "success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions." However, you can position yourself to be lucky. You can increase your potential or luck by increasing your luck surface area Types of luck Blind Luck Luck from...

Are you sure you are ready?

Access to valuable information or influential individuals will be futile if you do not have the ability to capitalize on the opportunities. You can hang around 5 rich (money and mental wealth) people and still be broke. What you do with the leverage is what makes the...

The Ultimate Factor

God is the guiding force in your journey. You're essentially a passenger on His boat. Then a random person claims you're running behind schedule, and you lose your peace and get fixated on their words. Ask yourself, Does God ever run late? - Pope

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