Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Gone way beyond that

The most frequent form of encouragement I get is
“Don’t worry, don’t stop and don’t be afraid, You’ll be big”
And, I’m not trying to be BIG
I’m going to be whatever I’m meant to be because I’m doing what I’m meant to be doing.
– Pope


You see that delulu of working for 5-10 years to build wealth, then retire at 30-35 and travel the world? Throw that rubbish thought away. Guess who is 93 and 68 and still working? Warren Buffet and Bill Gate respectively. You might need to have a talk with yourself!...

Check Box

This year, invest where you'd like to harvest. Sow seeds in areas you wish to reap rewards. •⁠ ⁠Spiritual •⁠ ⁠Relationship •⁠ ⁠Family •⁠ ⁠Career •⁠ ⁠Finance •⁠ ⁠Health •⁠ ⁠Academic •⁠ ⁠Business Remember the rhythm of seed time and harvest time. Your efforts will yield...

My Brief

I'm focused on the essentials.... to the exclusion of all else. I'm unsure of the future... but I'm not concerned. I will rely on those closest to me And I will share their burdens. as they share mine. I will live..... and love -Pope

Life’s Roller Coaster

In our one life, we'll face ups and downs, If we fail, well, we'll pick ourselves off the ground. If we win, great! We'll celebrate with glee, But doing nothing due to fear? That's not for me. We'll be brave, not scared, as we go along, Facing challenges, singing our...

Don’t, don’t even try

Do not compare me. That is a trigger for me. Make reference to case studies, Be specific about what the other person did that you'd like me to consider or even emulate. But, Do not compare me with anyone! We all have our peculiarities. - Pope

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