Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Sweet pain

When you come in contact with newer information.
It will create a conflict with the existing information you know.
Instead of facing the conflicts, weighing the two details and choosing the better one, most folks run away and stick to what they are used to.
This denies then the necessary growth to scale to the next phase.

Pain can be good.
Pain says your body is still working.
Excellence is painful.
The process is going to be painful.

But that’s what gets you the big chunk of the pie.



The without-dent story

There is a very high tendency of you being useless if your story is "stainless" A "stainless" story often indicates a lack of depth and resilience, as it is through the stains and scars of experiences that one truly grows. Your experiences is a well to draw from. Your...

Egolistic perfectionist

The ego of wanting to seem perfect in front of people will hold you back from your greatness. You could fail in an idea, it doesn’t mean you are a failure. Your business can fail, it doesn't make you a failure. Release that ego of looking perfect in front of people,...


Sometimes, the hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn. - Pope

Say No

As many times as possible! As consistently as possible! As often as the need arises! -Pope

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