Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Sweet pain

When you come in contact with newer information.
It will create a conflict with the existing information you know.
Instead of facing the conflicts, weighing the two details and choosing the better one, most folks run away and stick to what they are used to.
This denies then the necessary growth to scale to the next phase.

Pain can be good.
Pain says your body is still working.
Excellence is painful.
The process is going to be painful.

But that’s what gets you the big chunk of the pie.



Levels to it

Level 1: Be good at something Level 2: Be good at something important Level 3: Be known to be good at something important. Level 4: Be consistent with being known to be good at something important - Not my thought!

Check Box

This year, invest where you'd like to harvest. Sow seeds in areas you wish to reap rewards. •⁠ ⁠Spiritual •⁠ ⁠Relationship •⁠ ⁠Family •⁠ ⁠Career •⁠ ⁠Finance •⁠ ⁠Health •⁠ ⁠Academic •⁠ ⁠Business Remember the rhythm of seed time and harvest time. Your efforts will yield...

The missed shots

Kobe Bryant – 14,481 missed shots Michael Jordan - 12,345 missed shots LeBron James - 14,091 missed shots Yet, the story of the NBA CANNOT be told without their names. History does not care so much about the shots you missed You’ve gotta start taking your shots Some...

Who are you coming with?

In the dance of life, choose your partners well, Be smart who you pick, Be discerning, Choose your company, let wisdom steer. Choose wisely, where you stand. Pick your buddies, keep your light. Don't wander where fools parade. With smart folks, your journey's sound,...

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