Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Gone way beyond that

The most frequent form of encouragement I get is "Don't worry, don't stop and don't be afraid, You'll be big" I FEAR NOTHING! And, I'm not trying to be BIG I'm going to be whatever I'm meant to be because I'm doing what I'm meant to be doing. - Pope


Sometimes, the hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn. - Pope

What you get

Making delusional plans will get you delusional results. It doesn't matter how optimistic you are about it. The gist is, you'll be the bearer of the consequences. - Pope

Tomalo como viene (Spanish)

Take each obstacle in life as it comes, facing them head-on, one by one. Keep your focus on the present moment, on the task at hand. Just like walking, take it one step at a time, placing one foot in front of the other. Gradually pick up your pace, but resist the urge...

Nothing Personal

Whatever life throws at you, Don’t take it personal. Take note and Take care of it. Never be emotional. All it’s ever going to do is alter your decision making, slow you down. Eat up unnecessary bandwidth that could be contributing to your momentum. Take note Take it...

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