Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Time as a currency

If everyone has the same number of hours in a day, why do some people seem to get so much more done than others?

How do they do more, achieve more, earn more, have more?

If time is the currency of achievement, then why are some able to cash in their allotment for more chips than others?


The total workings

Here is how it works! You do your part : build skills and portfolio. We do our part : introduce you to opportunities, jobs, people You keep doing your part : improving on technical skills while also maintaining integrity and reputation Expecting the second step...

Are you up to it?

The courage to create. The audacity to forge new paths. The tenacity to embrace trial and error. Youth is wasted on the young. Wisdom is wasted on the old. The life you want in on the other side of a few hard conversations. And you are living a life you hate because...

Say No

As many times as possible! As consistently as possible! As often as the need arises! -Pope

Quick thing

Money Intelligence and Insight Location and Luck Education and Expertise Status Money is the capital you have, or that you can easily raise. Intelligence and Insight includes ‘book smarts’, social and emotional intelligence, as well as creativity. Location and Luck is...

Leave the future alone

Leave the future alone until it comes  
Be not hasty and rushed for things that have yet to come to pass.

Do you think it is wise to pick fruits before they become ripe?
Tomorrow is non-existent, having no reality today, so why should you busy yourself with it?
Why should you have apprehensions about future disasters?

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