Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

What drives me is:

A life of no regrets.
To look back on life and see that I spent it well.
Did every single thing that I wanted to do.
Experimented a lot.
Failed a lot.
But made the most of life.

Internal Crack

Many of us are driven by wounds from our past that we haven't healed from. Our unresolved past wounds drive us. Most of your decisions are based on trying to prove someone wrong. Trying to prove your parents wrong. Trying to prove that you can be somebody. This...

The true worth

You're suffering from self-doubt while others are intimidated by your full potential. We are our own worst critics. If your past self could see where you are today, think of how impressed they will be. Turn self-doubt into your greatest ally, for it reveals the...

The without-dent story

There is a very high tendency of you being useless if your story is "stainless" A "stainless" story often indicates a lack of depth and resilience, as it is through the stains and scars of experiences that one truly grows. Your experiences is a well to draw from. Your...

Fail, Fall, Fear

When I'm not afraid to fail, I won't. When I'm not afraid to fall down, falling down won't feel like failure. I have fallen down enough to get more comfortable with it, to know how productive it can be, how necessary it is to growth. Still, when I sense the ground...

Say No

As many times as possible! As consistently as possible! As often as the need arises! -Pope

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