But be careful where and how you look for validation.
Achieving something impressive(to strangers) may require 10x effort to earn similar recognition from friends and family,
There’s a level of familiarity your friends and family have, a “see-finish”
It clouds their judgement of your true potential.
Hear what they said of Jesus when they heard him teach with wisdom
…Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed.
“Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?”
they asked.
Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?
Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas?
Aren’t all his sisters with us?
Where then did this man get all these things?”
The same video you are scared of recording for fear of negative feedbacks from friends and families, don’t be surprised they are the same set of people that will never bother to watch it.
Be wary of relying too much on covert validation from those close to you.
But Jesus said to them,
“A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.”
– Pope
Grow, evolve
At a fundamental level, we are influenced by our primal instincts. As we progress in our evolution, we develop the capacity to filter and guide these instincts. When someone upsets you, your initial reaction is often an emotional one. It requires emotional maturity to...