Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Fall the fall

Let everyman fail his failure.
For therein lies his lessons.
We are a sum of our previous experiences,
The best you can do, help them fine-tune and optimize the values in their experiences.
We all need a dose of failure!
– Pope


Declutter: to remove unnecessary items from a place Take time to Declutter. Relationship Financially Digitally Healthcare Spiritually Audit your life. Remove unnecessary people | activities | items | relationships | etc. Focus on the 20% that's meant to give you 80%...

Grow, evolve

At a fundamental level, we are influenced by our primal instincts. As we progress in our evolution, we develop the capacity to filter and guide these instincts. When someone upsets you, your initial reaction is often an emotional one. It requires emotional maturity to...

My Definition

Learn to define success for yourself in a way that’s process-oriented, and which focuses on taking action and on enjoying the journey of life. This focus should take into account inner fulfilment, not just quantifiable financial success (which will never be 100...

Life :- Adventure, Journey, Voyage

The journey of life holds meaning in itself. Faith is a spiritual passage, a pilgrimage of growth. Though the path may be difficult at times, Yet if we persevere with courage, the path leads somewhere beautiful. When we refuse to surrender, life becomes an adventure....

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