Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Quick thing

Intelligence and Insight
Location and Luck
Education and Expertise
Money is the capital you have, or that you can easily raise.
Intelligence and Insight includes ‘book smarts’, social and emotional intelligence, as well as creativity.
Location and Luck is all about being in the right place at the right time.
Education and Expertise is both your formal schooling and also your self-learning, which gives you intellectual and technical know-how.
Status is your social status, including your network and connections. It’s your ‘personal brand’ ‒ in other words, how you’re perceived. It also includes your inner status, which is your confidence and self-esteem.”
– Pope

The seed and the harvest

You reap what you sow. You reap where you sow. (You can't sow all of yourself into work and expect to reap from your family) You reap after you sow. You always reap more than you sow. You can sow: time, sweat, effort, material -Pope

Nothing Personal

Whatever life throws at you, Don’t take it personal. Take note and Take care of it. Never be emotional. All it’s ever going to do is alter your decision making, slow you down. Eat up unnecessary bandwidth that could be contributing to your momentum. Take note Take it...

One day, just one day

.... and one day, I will get the opportunity to dramatically swipe everything off a table to make room for a giant map that I'll use to explain the plan. - Pope


Young man, Stay your course! There's light at the end of the tunnel you're digging! -Pope

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