Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

A Scroll of Principles

NOTE: Even if you are not religious, indulge me and read!

The passage from 2 Peter 1:5-9 says:

“For this very reason, applying your diligence to divine promises, make every effort to develop moral excellence; and in moral excellence, knowledge, insight, and understanding; and in your knowledge, self-control; and in your self-control, steadfastness; and in your steadfastness, godliness; and in your godliness, brotherly affection; and in your brotherly affection, Christian love that seeks the best for others. If you possess these qualities and they are increasing, they will keep you from being useless and unproductive in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever lacks these qualities is blind, short-sighted, and forgets that they have been cleansed from their past sins.”

This scripture encourages us to pursue a layered growth in character and faith, leading to productivity and purpose.

Now, let’s look at Isaiah 60:11, which says:

“Your gates will always stand open—they will never be shut, day or night, so that people may bring you the wealth of the nations, with their kings led in procession.”

The revelation here is one of preparation.
Nations, companies, and industry leaders will face problems and challenges they cannot solve on their own. They will seek you out, coming with their issues and expecting solutions. These challenges will not be trivial; they will require depth and insight, attracting CEOs, founders, and top managers. The key is that you must be ready—your gates must always be open, signifying readiness to receive and resolve these challenges. As you provide solutions, the reward will be their wealth, their trust, and opportunities.

Consider the example of Joseph.
When Joseph was called to the palace to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, his solution was so good that no one in the king’s court could deny it. His wisdom was so evident that it transcended politics or social barriers. Though he wasn’t from the royal family, no one could argue with the quality of his solution.

Everyone in the king’s court declared him for that position.

This brings us back to 2 Peter 1:5-9. As professionals and business owners, we are expected to prepare for such moments when kings (captains of industry) will come to us for solutions.
To be ready, the passage outlines a process of growth:

  • Diligence: The Amplified Version says, “For this very reason, applying all diligence…” Diligence is the starting point. You must put in effort.
    “For this very reason,” for the reason that captains of industry, whom we call kings, will lead the process of their entourage to come looking for solutions, “you must be diligent.”

                          SKILL +

  • Moral excellence: Integrity forms the foundation of leadership. You must build your character alongside your skills.
    “make every effort to develop moral excellence”

                          SKILL + INTEGRITY + CHARACTER

  • Knowledge: Beyond moral excellence, you need insight and understanding in your career or profession. But knowledge must be balanced…

                         SKILL + INTEGRITY + CHARACTER + KNOWLEDGE +

  • Self-control: Knowledge can lead to pride. That’s why it’s essential to exercise self-control, so you remain humble and avoid conflict.
    If you are diligent, have character and knowledge, there are places and networks that will connect you to opportunities. You must understand that in all of this, self-control is important.


  • Steadfastness: Consistency is critical. Keep showing up and doing the right things over time.

  • Godliness: There must be a visible reflection of godliness in your actions, especially as you handle important projects and relationships.
    You must not cheat people; you must show kindness. As you handle big projects and captains of industry call on you, people must see godliness in you because you are a minister assigned to the marketplace, and you must reflect and live up to that.


  • Brotherly affection: Your relationships with staff, clients, and customers must be characterized by kindness and unselfish love. Always seek the best for others.


in addition to all of this, there must be brotherly affection. Whether for your staff or your customers, you must do all of this out of love. Everyone around you must experience brotherly affection; you must not be selfish. Learn to unselfishly seek the best for others and do things for their benefit. Prioritize the benefit of your customers, clients, and staff.

But whoever lacks these qualities is blind, short-sighted…

If these qualities are growing in you, they will keep you from being unproductive. You will not be blind or short-sighted but will live with purpose and insight.

Therefore, layers upon layers must be built: from diligence to moral excellence; on the layer of moral excellence, add knowledge; on the layer of knowledge, add self-control; on the layer of self-control, add steadfastness; on the layer of steadfastness, add godliness; and on the layer of godliness, add brotherly affection. All of these things will ensure you are not useless and unproductive.


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