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e.g Life Lessons

Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Sweet pain

When you come in contact with newer information.
It will create a conflict with the existing information you know.
Instead of facing the conflicts, weighing the two details and choosing the better one, most folks run away and stick to what they are used to.
This denies then the necessary growth to scale to the next phase.

Pain can be good.
Pain says your body is still working.
Excellence is painful.
The process is going to be painful.

But that’s what gets you the big chunk of the pie.



Tomalo como viene (Spanish)

Take each obstacle in life as it comes, facing them head-on, one by one.

Keep your focus on the present moment, on the task at hand.
Just like walking, take it one step at a time, placing one foot in front of the other.

Gradually pick up your pace, but resist the urge to rush ahead or skip steps.

Trying to leapfrog over challenges only leads to instability and inefficiency.

Embrace the rhythm of progress, trusting that each step forward brings you closer to your goals.

Focus on the next step.
One foot after the other.


Don’t place a limit on it

Don’t limit yourself by what you don’t have.
Enhance your journey by using the most of what is available.
Trust God to make what you have in your hand to be sufficient for what you want.
What can you do, despite?



Young man,
Stay your course!

There’s light at the end of the tunnel you’re digging!


Internal Crack

Many of us are driven by wounds from our past that we haven’t healed from.
Our unresolved past wounds drive us.

Most of your decisions are based on trying to prove someone wrong.

Trying to prove your parents wrong.
Trying to prove that you can be somebody.

This pursuit often leads to a life filled with stress, forming internal fractures.

Take time and deal with the internal crack!


Something to trust

You can’t connect the dots looking forward;
you can only connect them by looking backward.

So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
– Pope

Coming soon

At some point, you will be desperate for a major win just to validate that you are doing the right thing and on the right path.
At such moments, don’t forget the small wins matter too and they eventually all add up.
Don’t lose your shine!
Beans no dey cook forever, e go soon done!
– Pope


If we knew the sequence of our life’s timing and seasons, we might lose ambition…
Uncertainty isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it keeps the embers of life and professional pursuit aflame :sunglasses.
– Dr. Julius Ajayi

The total workings

Here is how it works!
You do your part : build skills and portfolio.
We do our part : introduce you to opportunities, jobs, people
You keep doing your part : improving on technical skills while also maintaining integrity and reputation
Expecting the second step without you doing the first is foolishness.
Messing up the third step will bring you down. It is what ensure sustainability.
– Pope

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