Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!

Check Box

This year, invest where you’d like to harvest.
Sow seeds in areas you wish to reap rewards.
•⁠ ⁠Spiritual
•⁠ ⁠Relationship
•⁠ ⁠Family
•⁠ ⁠Career
•⁠ ⁠Finance
•⁠ ⁠Health
•⁠ ⁠Academic
•⁠ ⁠Business
Remember the rhythm of seed time and harvest time.
Your efforts will yield where you sow.
You can’t invest all of your time into career and expect to harvest from Family, there is the need for balance.
Sow where you’d like to reap.
– Pope


Invest so much in yourself, make your brain your biggest asset. The way to drive up your revenue and earning capacity is by having high valued (paying) skills.


"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” - William Shakespeare Engage your curiosity about everything. Possessing skills in multiple areas is valuable. Learning even a little bit about business, philosophy, physics,...

Prime concern

...ignoring all the things you could do and doing what you should do. ...recognizing that not all things matter equally and finding the things that matter most.

The missed shots

Kobe Bryant – 14,481 missed shots Michael Jordan - 12,345 missed shots LeBron James - 14,091 missed shots Yet, the story of the NBA CANNOT be told without their names. History does not care so much about the shots you missed You’ve gotta start taking your shots Some...

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