Don’t limit yourself by what you don’t have.
Enhance your journey by using the most of what is available.
Trust God to make what you have in your hand to be sufficient for what you want.
What can you do, despite?
Product • Data • Business
Sic Parvis Magna!
Don’t limit yourself by what you don’t have.
Enhance your journey by using the most of what is available.
Trust God to make what you have in your hand to be sufficient for what you want.
What can you do, despite?
At a fundamental level, we are influenced by our primal instincts. As we progress in our evolution, we develop the capacity to filter and guide these instincts. When someone upsets you, your initial reaction is often an emotional one. It requires emotional maturity to...
.... and one day, I will get the opportunity to dramatically swipe everything off a table to make room for a giant map that I'll use to explain the plan. - Pope
Do not compare me. That is a trigger for me. Make reference to case studies, Be specific about what the other person did that you'd like me to consider or even emulate. But, Do not compare me with anyone! We all have our peculiarities. - Pope
Time is essential. 3 months is a season. 6 months should give you results. After spending 180 days (half a year) of your life on something (or with someone) you should be checking for results or moving on. - Pope
Sometimes, the hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn. - Pope