Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

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Sic Parvis Magna!

The missed shots

Kobe Bryant – 14,481 missed shots
Michael Jordan – 12,345 missed shots
LeBron James – 14,091 missed shots
Yet, the story of the NBA CANNOT be told without their names.
History does not care so much about the shots you missed
You’ve gotta start taking your shots
Some will go in, some won’t.
On your deathbed, it won’t matter
You’re not gonna regret the shots you took.
I don’t need every shots to go in,
I just need one destiny shot to go in.
You should get out of your fear!
Embrace the journey, for it’s not the missed shots that define you but the courage to take them.
In the tapestry of life, every shot adds to the narrative, creating a story uniquely yours.
Keep taking your shots – one might be the masterpiece that shapes your legacy.
– Pope

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