Adeolu Timothy

Adeolu Timothy

Product • Data • Business

Sic Parvis Magna!


If we knew the sequence of our life’s timing and seasons, we might lose ambition…
Uncertainty isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it keeps the embers of life and professional pursuit aflame :sunglasses.
– Dr. Julius Ajayi

Dangers of a Hedged Life

This is the nature of being, to hedge, to protect, to play safe. Or to think we are playing safe by not playing at all.

Yet in my experience, real opportunities lie in walking away from the sources of your darkness, from what is not working.

Egolistic perfectionist

The ego of wanting to seem perfect in front of people will hold you back from your greatness. You could fail in an idea, it doesn’t mean you are a failure. Your business can fail, it doesn't make you a failure. Release that ego of looking perfect in front of people,...

The missed shots

Kobe Bryant – 14,481 missed shots Michael Jordan - 12,345 missed shots LeBron James - 14,091 missed shots Yet, the story of the NBA CANNOT be told without their names. History does not care so much about the shots you missed You’ve gotta start taking your shots Some...

What drives me is:

A life of no regrets.To look back on life and see that I spent it well.Did every single thing that I wanted to do.Experimented a lot.Failed a lot.But made the most of life.-Pope


Stop trying to win too fast. Just because you want to show people you won. Calm down! - Pope

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